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Click, Stream, Repeat: Join the Stream On Revolution

As a blind person, I've often found myself at the forefront of the digital revolution. While some people may nostalgically pine for physical media like cassettes or VHS tapes, I'm happy to leave those tactile troubles behind.

For me, digital media has been a game-changer. With accessible digital content, I can enjoy audio descriptions, audiobooks, and music on demand without the hassle of physical media. No more fumbling with cassettes or CDs, no more struggling to read tiny print on packaging.

And let's be real – who needs to own an entire album just to listen to one song? With streaming services, I can create playlists tailored to my tastes and listen to my favorite songs whenever I want.

But it's not just about convenience – it's about accessibility. Digital media has opened up a world of possibilities for people with disabilities like me. With audio descriptions and closed captions, I can enjoy movies and TV shows with ease. With audiobooks and e-books, I can devour my favorite books without the need for braille or large print.

Of course, there's still work to be done. Not all digital media is created equal, and there are still far too many inaccessible websites, apps, and services out there. But overall, I'm thrilled with the progress we've made and excited for what the future holds.

So, bring on the accessible digital media! I'll take audio descriptions, audiobooks, and music on demand over physical media any day.

But now, I want to hear from you! What do you think about the new trend of streaming, renting, and subscribing? Do you prefer the convenience and accessibility of digital media, or do you still cling to your physical copies? Let me know in the comments!

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  1. Growing up I didn't have access to things I enjoy now. I didn't get a chance to read the "Harry Potter" series until I was an adult. I'm glad that technology has become more digital and accessible. However, like you said, it still has a long way to go.


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