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Feedburner Farewell, Hello!

Dear readers/ subscribers to THE SOMEBODY, NOBODY, ANYBODY AND EVERYBODY BLOG! Remember the not-so-great news about Feedburner shutting down? Yeah, me too. It was a bummer, but there's a silver lining in the form of a fantastic alternative called!

I've been using for a while now, and let me tell you, it's been amazing.  Here's the deal: you, my awesome readers, deserve to be the first to know when there's a hot new post brewing on THE SOMEBODY, NOBODY, ANYBODY AND EVERYBODY BLOG. lets you, my amazing subscribers, sign up for email notifications. Every time I publish a new post, it whooshes straight to your inbox, keeping you in the loop and ready to dive in.

But here's the coolest part: goes above and beyond what Feedburner offered.  Their Super-Cool Plan (yes, that's the actual name!) lets me customize those email alerts  in some seriously awesome ways:

• Imagine this: Your inbox pings, and it's not just another generic notification. It's a sleek email with THE SOMEBODY, NOBODY, ANYBODY AND EVERYBODY BLOG proudly displayed as the sender, and the post title as the subject line. Instant recognition, right?

• Want to personalize things even further? The Super-Cool Plan lets me tinker with the email content too. This means I can add a little intro message, a call to action, or anything else that makes the email feel more like it's coming straight from me.

Let's face it, sometimes tech can be tricky. But has your back! Their support team is fantastic. They helped me set everything up smoothly, and they're always there to answer any questions I have. is completely free to use for basic features, and the Super-Cool Plan is totally worth it for the customization options. 

So, what are you waiting for? Head over to and subscribe to THE SOMEBODY, NOBODY, ANYBODY AND EVERYBODY BLOG! OR just use the form on the site to get you going.
P.S. Have you tried Let me know your thoughts in the comments below! 

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You can now support The somebody, nobody, anybody and everybody Blog by making a purchase on amazon by clicking HERE or any of the banners on the website. Thank you for your support!

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  1. I like getting your blogs. I had to find new and old bloggers to follow since Covid hit. It's a shame that the blogging community changed so much since Covid.


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