This is the last one for this series; all this while I have written about the crazy ways to get my sight loss cured; however, in this post which I saved for last I am actually going to talk/ write about my everyday annoyances with the stupid things that people do around blind people; for real!
P.S. If you have missed Part 1 Part 2 and Part 3 of this story; read them first.
1. It's there!: You know when you are desperately looking for something and you could do with some help; well ask someone sighted to help you find it and their answer by default, pointing to the direction to where the item is: It's there! Now to someone who has no sight at all, this is very troublesome as there could mean anywhere. So there, here are not great ways of asking someone who is totally blind to find something. Also don't forget depending on which side of me you are, the right or left can be interchanged; remember seeing in the mirror? I mean how could you forget the time when you were in school and they made you memorize which foot is the right and which foot was the left; that exercise was called the March past and April came but her love never stayed.
2. The red one: I know how exciting it is to you all who can see; the colors, beauty and anything that shines. How did you think discrimination started in the first place? You divided the world based on skin color and the rest by their ability.
3. No Good-byes: You are in the middle of a conversation and suddenly you realize that you are talking to the wind. The person you are having a conversation with has just disappeared and vanished in thin air. This is extremely annoying in group conversations when your mind is already pre-occupied figuring out who is speaking what. With one on one conversations unless seated opposite each other, it's not a nice thing to do to just walk away from the conversation. We need a closure, a good bye, have a nice day would really help.
4. Guess who?: I know you are a friend for life, unless stated otherwise these games are not pleasant or pleasing to one who cannot see. As adults we need some kind of social responsibility to carry on our shoulders. So please spare us these mind games we have enough going on in our daily life of excitement!
Well there you have it, I tried to be as obnoxious as I can get leaving much of the sarcasm out of my writing, I am hoping that the read was hilarious as well as educational to some extent, as we as persons with sight impairment need an aware society to deal with the million other challenges that our condition has shot up our butt. If you can make things better for us on this planet; share this with your network of friends OR on your social media handles so that the obnoxiousness gets to more people who can read, have access to the internet. If you want to make things better for me, please buy me some beer and yourself something from amazon by clicking the banners or affiliate links on THE SOMEBODY, NOBODY, ANYBODY AND EVERYBODY BLOG!
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I din't like this part. wait, now there is no point in feeling bad after you already said this is a last part. why did you end so soon!