It’s a usual practise of mine to make conversation when there is the opportunity to do so. Such opportunities come by often when you are commuting to work using the company shuttle service, where you get to meet with new fellow associates.
This was one of the days. When a charming voice asked if she could sit beside me and if I minded if she did. Being the gentleman I think myself to be I replied “Sure, why not. I don’t own the bus” To which she giggled and said thanks. After our seats were taken she decided to be the courageous one and asked “do you travel by this route often?” and me in a sober but very not interested kind of tone “No, just while getting back from work that makes 5 days in a week, one way. except for the days I forget where I kept my pants”
OK I am going to stop using the rabbit ears symbol by which I mean these: “
There was laughter on that note. Not that one where I said that I will stop using the rabit ears symbol, the one before that. The conversation continued when she asked me those 20 questions: When, where and how. If you are thinking that weren’t 20 questions, you are yet to know women OR for argument sake I am just lazy to type all of them in this blog.
Moving on, the conversation got me interested and I was doing my own probing and found out a bit more than I should have like she has 2 pet dogs and a fish tank. As the bus moved at break neck speeds on the flyover, we exchanged some more information and then slipped into a down syndrome where niether of us had anything more to say. The bus got off the flyover and I was caught up with some thoughts on how I was going to reach home early and try and fit in 15 minutes of a workout that I have been putting off for 6 years now. Then she spoke and asked me if I had any hobbies and I said yes, I do love to play the harmonica. I made it clear that I was just learning some rhymes and I ain’t that great at it as of yet. This was intentionally done to avoid any play this for me requests and to save me some embarrassment. It was silence for some time after that and then I asked her, what about you? do you have any hobbies?
and then there was one, sitting. For those of you wondering what just happened here or need help catching up with the title of the story…
She had stepped off the bus without a goodbye, see you later OR nice to have met you. That is exactly the same feeling you have when you are coming to the end of a thriller and you are about to discover who done it, the electricity decides to go!
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